Google: Inside Search

Bing tests sending users to Google competitors

Bing Tests Weird Competitor Links Under Google Search Result | WebProNews: " . . . Essentially, Bing was sending users to Google competitors. You may not always consider sites like Facebook Craigslist or eBay competitors to Google, but Google has a social media service, and it has a shopping service. At some level, Google competes with all of these sites. I’m surprised they didn’t just put a “Go to” link there, or even a “Go to” link. At least you can still access Bing results from Facebook. McGee posted a Q&A with Bing about the test. He asked how Bing would respond if a search for “bing” on Google included Sitelinks to Twitter, Amazon or Kayak. Bing’s response was, “We appreciate all customer-focused innovation.” Something tells me Bing would throw a fit if Google did that. Perhaps it would even get another anti-Google campaign from the company. It’s been over a month since they started one."

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