Washington Post
If you're a small business owner, you've probably thought a bit about how customers find your website through search engines and maybe even the reputation your business has online. These are questions that hit the core of search engine optimization. Here are a few quick-hitting tactics to allow small business owners to check the health of their websites as well as a few SEO tactics to perform after you begin to monitor that ...
New Internet suffixes will be announced Wednesday
NEW YORK – If Google has its way, you won't need to type "Google.com" any more to do your searches. You can simply access the search engine at ".Google."Google's bid for ".Google" as an Internet suffix is among about 2000 proposals submitted as part ...
Your Google search just got smarter!
Deccan Herald
Google is now taking search a step further by trying to add some intelligence to it so that it's no longer based on keywords. Last month, the search giant had announced its Knowledge Graph and has seen an upbeat appreciation from the web community.
Google Searches Show Where Racism May Hurt Obama's Campaign
But a new study uses Google to tease out a greater level of accuracy that polls could never achieve. The biggest issue with using polls to detect accurate levels of racism is that they heavily rely on those being polled to admit to their own racism.
If Google has its way, people won't need “Google.com” to do searches. They can ...
If Google has its way, people won't need “Google.com” to do searches. They can simply go to “.Google.” New York City wants Internet addresses ending in “.nyc,” while several companies and groups are looking to create “.doctor,” ”.music“ and ”.bank.
Apple going for Google's jugular with new releases
If Apple is nuking those searches from Safari on the iPhone, it's one less place for Google to build out its mobile advertising business. It also makes Google search less important. Apple'ssearch engine is called "Siri." Apple added new tricks to Siri ...
Google responds to being left out of Apple's IOS 6
By Carly Page INTERNET SEARCH GIANT Google has responded to the news that Apple has ditched Google Maps in IOS 6. At its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) on Monday, Apple revealed that it will replace Google Maps with its own mapping service in ...
Apple takes on Google with own maps, better Siri
By Poornima Gupta and Alexei Oreskovic | SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc took the wraps off its own mobile mapping service and improved the search capabilities of its Siri voice assistant, taking the fight into Google Inc's domain.
Google Updates Hot Searches With Less of What People Are Searching For
Search Engine Watch
by Danny Goodwin, June 12, 2012 Comments Google Hot Searches no longer features the 20 trending US searches. Google has opted to remove 17 of those searches but has added related thumbnail pictures, the number of searches over 24 hours, a few related ...
UK reopens Google Street View investigation after FCC probe
ZDNet (blog)
By Zack Whittaker | June 12, 2012, 10:45am PDT Summary: The UK's data protection regulator is reinvestigating Google a year after it closed the case, following an FCC report claiming thesearch giant knew of the data collection. Google is back under ...
Can Google Predict the Impact of Racism on a Presidential Election?
National Journal
A provocative new study argues that Google searches for racial epithets can be synced with election results to reveal what Americans truly think. By Garance Frankie-Ruta, The Atlantic Since 1982, political pollsters and Democrats have worried about the ...
Searching For Macro Clues On Google
Wall Street Pit
A 2009 paper from two Google researchers considered the prospects, asking: “Can Google queries help predict economic activity?” Economists, investors, and journalists avidly follow monthly government data releases on economic conditions.
Will Apple Now Become A Search Engine Of Sorts?
Marketing Pilgrim
While not an integrated offering with these two services, can one think that Apple will be a search engine to some degree? Why not? After all, maps are about search and discovery. WithGoogle Maps out of the picture and the new Apple version of maps ...
Google admits that Plato's cave doesn't exist
The Guardian
Google's algorithm will detect your content's newfound greatness and adjust your ranking accordingly. The search engine optimisation (SEO) industry exists to help website operators attain higher rankings, sometimes by unsavoury means such as using link ...
The Guardian
UK reopens investigation into Google Street View
LONDON—Britain's Information Commissioner's Office is reopening its investigation into Internet search company Google over its disputed Street View program. UK authorities saidGoogle Inc., based in Mountain View, California, had new questions to ...
Apple v Google maps: which app is better?
Sydney Morning Herald
Google Maps has been available on the iPhone since the device's launch, but on Monday Apple announced its own version of Maps for iOS 6 - one that will be replace the Google service on its smartphones. Google recently announced an update to its mapping ...
New Internet suffix bids include '.lol,' 'bank.'
Daily Comet
By ANICK JESDANUN AP Technology Writer NEW YORK - If Google has its way, you won't need to type "Google.com" any more to do your searches. You can simply access the search engineat ".Google." Google's bid for ".Google" as an Internet suffix is among ...
Google facing new privacy probe over Street View cars 'data theft' as it is ...
Daily Mail
By Jack Doyle Google's massive harvesting of personal data from British computers is to be investigated again by the information watchdog. The internetsearch giant had claimed the collection of the private information from unsecured wi-fi networks by ...
Daily Mail
Google On How Users Can Build Networks For Search
By Chris Crum · 1 hour ago · Leave a Comment Google Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye posted a twenty-minute video about Google+ and the +1 button to the Webmaster Central blog today. For many of you, there's not going to be a whole lot of new ...
UK Regulators Re-Open Google Street View Case
PC Magazine
By Chloe Albanesius As reported by the BBC, the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) penned a letter to the search giant asking for more details about how equipment attached to its Street View cars collected personally identifiable information ...
New search engine aims to Google the real world
A new search engine aims to allow web users to search the real world by trawling sounds and video from microphones and cameras. By Tom Barfield Developed by a team based at the University of Glasgow with funding from the EU and technology industry ...
Apple goes to war with Google on maps
Sydney Morning Herald
Apple has unveiled its own mapping program, challenging Google for the popular software application and opening up a new front in the war with the maker of the Android operating system. Apple's new iOS 6 operating system for the iPhone and iPad ...
Sydney Morning Herald
The Morning Download: How Apple's Crusade Against Google Hurts Business
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Apple's war with Google could have the effect of erasing many of the cost and productivity gains CIOs have achieved thanks to the cloud. From eliminating Google maps to programming its Siri voice app to make fun of Google's Android OS, Apple is taking ...
Google devises five-pronged strategy for India business
With most of our products like search, email, YouTube, maps and browser (Chrome) being successful in their respective segments, we are well equipped to take advantage of the rise in Internet users,” said Anandan. To begin with, Google, according to ...
UK regulator re-opens probe into Google Street View slurp outrage
By Kelly Fiveash • Get more from this author The Information Commissioner's Office has reopened its investigation of Google's controversial Street View technology, after its data-collecting cars collected payload data including emails and passwords ...
Apple Dumps Google, Turns To TomTom
Apple didn't only announce a brand new Maps application during their WWDC 2012 Keynote: They also announced their independence from Google. For years, Apple had relied on the search giant's cache of data to power the maps app on every iPad, ...
Google search results are editorial, not (merely) mathematical ...
By Cory Doctorow
My latest Guardian column is "Google admits that Plato's cave doesn't exist," a discussion of how Google has changed the way it talks about its search-results, shifting from the stance that rankings are a form of pure math to the stance that ...
Boing Boing
Google Searches Show Where Racism May Hurt Obama's ...
By Eric Limer
In a paper called The Effects of Racial Animus on a Black Presidential Candidate: Using Google Search Data to Find What Surveys Miss, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz of Harvard University breaks down the number of racially charged Google ... of American citizens — or at least highlight American citizens' likelihood to type racial epithets into a search engine — this study shows howGoogle doesn't just direct us to webpages, but is also building a valuable database of social mores.
Wondering if Racism Is Over? Check America's Google Search History
By Lindy West
Wondering if Racism Is Over? Check America's Google Search History. Here's the thing about racists. Racists are stupid. It is fundamentally stupid to believe that the color of a person's skin literally dictates their behavior.* Just hella hella dumb.
Google Trends Hot Searches Sections Gets An Update | WebProNews
By Chris Crum
“With rich images and links to related news articles, you can glance at the list and instantly get an idea of why these topics are particularly hot at the moment and click to find out more about them,” says Nimrod Tamir from Google's Trends Team ...
Top News - WebProNews
Find out what people are searching for with the ... - Google Blog
By A Googler
With Hot Searches in Google Trends, you can see a list of the fastest rising search terms in the U.S. for a snapshot of what's on the public's collective mind. To create the Hot Searches list which is updated on an hourly basis, an algorithm ...
Official Google Blog
Connecting Google dots | Suburban Guerrilla
By susie
Many naturally concluded that prejudice was not a major factor against a black presidential candidate in modern America. My research, a comparison of Americans' Google searches and their voting patterns, found otherwise. If my results are ...
Suburban Guerrilla
How to Get Google's Verified Authorship for your WordPress Blog
By Editorial Staff
Google +1 buttons are now integrated in websites, search results, and even in Google Ads. Well all that is important, but we are now seeing a rise in verified Authorship for Google searchresults. Finally with the new redesign, we have added it ...
Facebook Search Engine vs. Google – Which Would You Choose ...
By Chris Marentis
Facebook Search Engine vs. Google – Which Would You Choose? It's far from a secret—Facebook is the power house of power houses when it comes to social media. Likewise, Google is the power house of power houses when it comes to ... for being a new social media network, so they're definitely not out of the running, and in fact provide local business owners with a huge marketing tool because it provides the ability to connect with other Google tools to boost SEO on the web.
Surefire Social
Google's Phrase Search Frustration | The Search Agents
By Louise Vine
Sometimes, when writing content for search engine optimisation, I get so bogged down in looking at keyword terms – which ones are the most relevant and have higher search volume numbers etc., that I end up writing phrases which I begin to doubt a normal ... This is certainly something I don't want – although I'm trying to find the most appropriate keywords and use them strategically, ultimately, good SEO is about making a site as user friendly and engaging for a reader as possible.
The Search Agents
Google turns up the heat on Hot Searches | memeburn
By Nur Bremmen: Staff reporter
Now Hot Searches has gotten a refresh that makes the list of searches more visual, groups related rising search terms together and lets people see more information about thosesearches. According Nimrod Tamir of the Google Trends Team ...
New Google Search Feature | LinkedIn Answers | LinkedIn
Just noticed Google added some wording and a link underneath their search box . It says New! "Google+ Local. Discover places with the help of people you ...

Just in case you weren't sure, Google is the #1 search engine in all of the land. But what's ...

I spotted this post via HackerNews named Google search parameters in 2012. It is one of the ...
Google search engine - Google Product Forums
Google search engine, Offiler, 6/8/12 6:50 AM, How is it that when I put in my company name, 18 years established, to the Google search engine, another ...
Google Trends
Explore advanced features with Google Insights for Search. Explore flu trends across the U.S. with Flu Trends · Google Home - About Google Trends ...
Watch Google fills search with Zagat ratings videos on CNET TV: Apple CEO Tim Cook says ...
Enable Facebook Like Button In Google Search Result Page [Quicktip]
What if you could see who among your friends 'Like'd which of the pages that come out on the results you searched on Google? For example when you search ...
Watching the Google Auto-Complete Algorithm from a hill in ...
Frustrating, but cool to see Google learn in real-time. I got to start with a blank slate of searchqueries on a specific topic from the given IP address and the ...
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