A report by a UCLA law professor asserts that search engines have a First Amendment right to determine the links that appear in their results. by Lance Whitney May 9, 2012 6:23 AM PDT Follow @lancewhit Do Google and other search engines have a ...
Volokh First Amendment Paper Copy
Search Results Protected by First Amendment, Google-funded Analysis Says
Wired News (blog)
By Kim Zetter Google and other search engines have a First Amendment right to sort or even censor search rankings as they like, according to a legal analysis Google commissioned from a law professor. Search engine companies are no different from ...
Google adds more semantic smarts to its search engine
An upgrade to Google's search results aims to provide key facts, figures, and other information related to your search term. by Lance Whitney May 9, 2012 8:50 AM PDT Follow @lancewhitGoogle seems to be eking out a major new tweak to its search results ...
Google Testing “Sources” Area With Info About Movies, Books, People, Music & More
Search Engine Land
Last November, Google tested a new “Sources” section in its search results, in the third column where ads normally appear. It seems the testing is underway again, showing extended information about actors, films, musicians, people and more.
Search Engine Land
semantic search
For example, run a search for "Howard Carter," the archaeologist who discovered the tomb of King Tut and is the focus of today's Google Doodle . In return, you'll see an entry on the right displaying key facts and a photo more Google is about to embark ...
Google tests 'experimental' full-text search API for App Engine
By Cameron Scott IDG News Service - Google is testing a long-awaited full-text search API (application programming interface) for the Google App Engine, the company said on Tuesday. The App Engine lets developers build web applications hosted on ...
Q&A: Google's Jonathan Rochelle Talks Enterprise Strategy
Google Apps group product manager Jonathan Rochelle goes one-on-one with InformationWeek's Paul McDougall at Interop 2012. By Paul McDougall InformationWeek What's next for Google Apps, Drive, Chrome, and Google's overall strategy to break Microsoft's ...
Enterprise search doesn't begin and end with Google
9, 2012, 12:36pm PT No Comments Paul Doscher, CEO of Lucid Imagination, wants you to know that when it comes to enterprise search — and search that can handle the big data wave — open-source Lucene is a contender. Of course, as head of the company ...
Google Penguin Update: Seriously, Avoid Doorway Pages
We've been posting various articles on these guidelines, such as: One of Google's guidelines is: “Avoid 'doorway' pages created just for search engines, or other 'cookie cutter' approaches such as affiliate programs with little or no original content.
Google App Engine Gets Full Text Search
By Zach Walton · 19 mins ago · Leave a Comment Google claims that a feature that has been consistently requested for App Engine was the addition of full text search. Those requests have not gone unheeded as Google has announced the feature to now be ...
Search engines have same speech rights as the New York Times, says Google report
According to the report authored by UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh: “Google, Microsoft'sBing, Yahoo! Search and other search engine companies are rightly seen as media enterprises, much as the New York Times Company or CNN are media enterprises” and ...
Google-Backed Scholar: Search Results Protected by the First Amendment
The Atlantic Wire
In a Google-funded report on the constitutional rights of an Internet search, UCLA law professor—and blogger—Eugene Volokh makes a lofty claim about the legal rights of any given Google search: The weight, placement, and even omission ofsearch ...
The Atlantic Wire
Google's never-ending legal problems
The Hill (blog)
By Andreas Geiger, managing partner, Alber & Geiger, Brussels - 05/09/12 03:18 PM ET In recent years, the Internet search giant Google has been suffering from a bunch of legal headaches. First, Oracle or American Society of Media Photographers sued the ...
Google asks for new trial in Oracle case
CBS News
(CNET) Google has formally filed its request for a new trial in its legal battle with Oracle. Thesearch giant last night asked Judge William Alsup to order a new trial regarding Oracle's claims that Google is violating copyrights related to its Java ...
Authority, Scoring, Freshness Signals Among Google's April Algorithm Updates
Search Engine Watch
by Danny Goodwin, May 9, 2012 Comments While Google's Penguin update, unnatural link warnings, two Panda refreshes, and a parking domain classifier issue made headlines in April,Google announced that is launched more than 50 other changes to its ...
Howard Carter Honored On His 138th Birthday With Google Logo (PICTURE)
Huffington Post
With its latest Google doodle, the search engine honors archeologist Howard Carter on the 138th anniversary of his birthday. The famed explorer is known for his discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, the most intact pharaoh's grave ever found in the Valley ...
Search Engines Owed Same Free Speech Protections As CNN, Claims Google Report
In that respect, the report asserts that search engines like Google and Bing have a protected right to pick and choose what appears in their search rankings. Wait, what – Google's claiming the right to design search results as it sees fit?
How to Double Your Search Traffic Using SEO, Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics
Business 2 Community
By David Mercer, Published May 8, 2012 Content and SEO has helped my Google organicsearch traffic double nearly every three months for the last year and a half – despite Google's Panda and Penguin updates. Fresh content and great SEO are key factors ...
Legal scholar warns antitrust suit against Google would stifle free speech
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 05/09/12 10:05 AM ET Google has the same right to organize its search results as a newspaper has to decide which stories to cover, according to legal scholar Eugene Volokh. In a white paper released Wednesday, Volokh, a legal blogger ...
As expected, Google asks for new trial in Oracle case
The search giant last night asked Judge William Alsup to order a new trial regarding Oracle's claims that Google is violating copyrights related to its Java API packages. "Please take notice that pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 591 Defendant Google Inc.
Google Unveils Tighter Gmail, Google+ Integration
PC Magazine
By Adario Strange Google CEO Larry Page has made no secret of his desire to create one of the premiere social networks, which will compete with and perhaps eventually overtake Facebook. That mission took another subtle, yet significant step this week ... Suffers Significant Drop in Search Visibility as Result of ...
Einnews Portugal
However, around April 24th the site suffered an unexpected drop in site visibility on Google search engine. Coincidentally, the drop in visibility coincided with Google's latest algorithmic update, otherwise known as the Google Penguin Update.
Google Vs. Facebook: Google Wins
Seeking Alpha
Its main competition - Google (GOOG) - has a P/E of 18, which essentially says that FB has 5 times better growth prospects than Google. In this article I will raise two issues, which I think call into question FB's lofty valuations.
Howard Carter King Tut Google Logo Pays Homage to Famous Archaeologist
Search Engine Watch
by Miranda Miller, May 9, 2012 Comments Google's homepage logo today is a birthday tribute to archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922. The GoogleDoodle is an illustration of Carter standing in front of the ...
Google demands Oracle Android retrial
The Google and Oracle case rages on, with the judge trying to move things swiftly along by moving to the second phase of the trial, which turns it focus towards any patent infringement. Google has a different plan: demand a new trial. The search ...

Google Search Results Pages May Soon Be Even More Cluttered
By Chris Crum · 1 hour ago · Leave a Comment Google has been testing/experimenting with some richer search results pages for things like movies, actors, bands, books, people, etc. We wrote about it last month when a reddit user posted a screen cap, ...
Search Engine Results Protected by First Amendment
Search Engine Journal
“Google, Microsoft's Bing, Yahoo! Search and other search engine companies are rightly seen as media enterprises, much as the New York Times Company or CNN are media enterprises.” Since Google and the other search engines are media enterprises, ...
Demystifying semantic search
Shouldn'ta search engine know what you want? That's why search engines, including heavy hitters such as Google and Bing, are beginning to look for ways to get you the information you want more quickly. The latest attempt to make searchresults more ...

Antitrust ruling against Google search would hurt free speech online ...
By Andrew Couts
Google Free Speech Antitrust First Amendment. UCLA legal scholar and blogger Eugene Volokh argues that forcing Google to order its search results in a "fair" way would be a violation of its First Amendment rights. Google search results are ...
Digital Trends
Search Engine Watch
by Danny Goodwin, May 9, 2012 Comments While Google's Penguin update, unnatural link warnings, two Panda refreshes, and a parking domain classifier issue made headlines in April,Google announced that is launched more than 50 other changes to its ...
Howard Carter Honored On His 138th Birthday With Google Logo (PICTURE)
Huffington Post
With its latest Google doodle, the search engine honors archeologist Howard Carter on the 138th anniversary of his birthday. The famed explorer is known for his discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, the most intact pharaoh's grave ever found in the Valley ...
Search Engines Owed Same Free Speech Protections As CNN, Claims Google Report
In that respect, the report asserts that search engines like Google and Bing have a protected right to pick and choose what appears in their search rankings. Wait, what – Google's claiming the right to design search results as it sees fit?
How to Double Your Search Traffic Using SEO, Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics
Business 2 Community
By David Mercer, Published May 8, 2012 Content and SEO has helped my Google organicsearch traffic double nearly every three months for the last year and a half – despite Google's Panda and Penguin updates. Fresh content and great SEO are key factors ...
Legal scholar warns antitrust suit against Google would stifle free speech
The Hill (blog)
By Brendan Sasso - 05/09/12 10:05 AM ET Google has the same right to organize its search results as a newspaper has to decide which stories to cover, according to legal scholar Eugene Volokh. In a white paper released Wednesday, Volokh, a legal blogger ...
As expected, Google asks for new trial in Oracle case
The search giant last night asked Judge William Alsup to order a new trial regarding Oracle's claims that Google is violating copyrights related to its Java API packages. "Please take notice that pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 591 Defendant Google Inc.
Google Unveils Tighter Gmail, Google+ Integration
PC Magazine
By Adario Strange Google CEO Larry Page has made no secret of his desire to create one of the premiere social networks, which will compete with and perhaps eventually overtake Facebook. That mission took another subtle, yet significant step this week ... Suffers Significant Drop in Search Visibility as Result of ...
Einnews Portugal
However, around April 24th the site suffered an unexpected drop in site visibility on Google search engine. Coincidentally, the drop in visibility coincided with Google's latest algorithmic update, otherwise known as the Google Penguin Update.
Google Vs. Facebook: Google Wins
Seeking Alpha
Its main competition - Google (GOOG) - has a P/E of 18, which essentially says that FB has 5 times better growth prospects than Google. In this article I will raise two issues, which I think call into question FB's lofty valuations.
Howard Carter King Tut Google Logo Pays Homage to Famous Archaeologist
Search Engine Watch
by Miranda Miller, May 9, 2012 Comments Google's homepage logo today is a birthday tribute to archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered King Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922. The GoogleDoodle is an illustration of Carter standing in front of the ...
Google demands Oracle Android retrial
The Google and Oracle case rages on, with the judge trying to move things swiftly along by moving to the second phase of the trial, which turns it focus towards any patent infringement. Google has a different plan: demand a new trial. The search ...
Google Search Results Pages May Soon Be Even More Cluttered
By Chris Crum · 1 hour ago · Leave a Comment Google has been testing/experimenting with some richer search results pages for things like movies, actors, bands, books, people, etc. We wrote about it last month when a reddit user posted a screen cap, ...
Search Engine Results Protected by First Amendment
Search Engine Journal
“Google, Microsoft's Bing, Yahoo! Search and other search engine companies are rightly seen as media enterprises, much as the New York Times Company or CNN are media enterprises.” Since Google and the other search engines are media enterprises, ...
Demystifying semantic search
Shouldn'ta search engine know what you want? That's why search engines, including heavy hitters such as Google and Bing, are beginning to look for ways to get you the information you want more quickly. The latest attempt to make searchresults more ...
Antitrust ruling against Google search would hurt free speech online ...
By Andrew Couts
Google Free Speech Antitrust First Amendment. UCLA legal scholar and blogger Eugene Volokh argues that forcing Google to order its search results in a "fair" way would be a violation of its First Amendment rights. Google search results are ...
Digital Trends
Google Search Feature is Anti-Semitic « Blog
By Karen De Coster
Google's auto-complete function is promoting "unsolicited and systematic associations between famous people and their Jewishness," according to French anti-Semite surfers. Bookmark/Share | Suggest a Link · « Previous: Finding Great Stuff ... Blog
Top Ten Untrue Google Stories « Google Monitor
By Scott Cleland
Google works for users. Competition is a click away. Google search is unbiased. Google clearly identifies its advertising. Privacy is a high priority at Google. “We are a law abiding company.” “We do not steal.” Google's “Don't be evil” credo ...
Google Monitor
Maximum PC | Google Report: Search Engine Results Fall Under ...
By Brad Chacos
Now, Google may be getting ready to do what it wants, too; the company recently commissioned a report by a First Amendment scholar who concluded that Google's search engine results are constitutionally protected speech and shouldn't be subject to ... Volokh also says that searchengines are essentially media companies like the New York Times and CNN, so he claims thatGoogle, Bing and co. should be afforded the same free speech rights as more traditional publications.
Maximum PC - News
Google App Engine Blog: Looking for search? Find it on Google App ...
By The App Engine Team
For almost as long as we can remember, full text search has been one of the top feature requests for Google App Engine. Since our talk at Google I/O last year, we've been hard at work getting search ready for our developers, and today we're ...
Google App Engine Blog
Google Semantic Search: It's Alive! | DEJAN SEO
By Dan Petrovic
Search for “Author of I Robot“, or “Works of Michelangelo” to see Google truly make semantic connections. The relationships in knowledge spam across other facets including spouses, children, birth, death and age. It even gave us the exact ...
Ubuntu and Tech news: Google report says search results protected ...
By Rambling Johnny
A report by a UCLA law professor asserts that search engines have a First Amendment right to determine the links that appear in their results. by Lance Whitney May 9, 2012 6:23 AM PDT Follow @lancewhit Do Google and other search ...
Ubuntu and Tech news
Does Google Local Search Like Separate Pages for Each City ...
By Mike Huber
If you've got a question about link building, content, social media, SEO or other Internet marketing topics, just post it on the Vertical Measures Facebook page, or tweet it to us with the hashtag #VMQA. ... Does Google not like this? To answer the question, local search is really, really important and it's becoming even more important. 86 percent of consumers are searching for your local business online, and search engines are actually the number one source of finding local business ...
Business 2 Community
SEO Blogging tips: How to use Google analytics search data to ...
By David Mercer
I've got a blogging tip that is straightforward, and involves using Google's organic search analytical data to find SEO keywords and phrases that people have already searched on. ... be useful to link to this article in your new post; Demographics: Try focus on SEO keywords and phrases that come from your "target audience"; Keyword ranking: Might require a bit of research or possibly Google Webmaster tools to ascertain your site's position in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) ...
Site prebuilder
First thus: Google Penguin and SEO
By (James Weinheimer)
In essence, it is a step against some of the methods used in SEO (search engine optimization) that Google has deemed negative, or to use their terms “black hat webspam”. What does this mean? The official announcement (above) discusses ...
First thus
Google report says search results protected by First Amendment ...
By jos
“Google, Microsoft's Bing, Yahoo Search and other search engine companies are rightly seen as media enterprises, much as the New York Times Company or CNN are media enterprises,” Volokh said in the report. Taking it to its constitutional ...
Designer Children Latest News
Beware Google Bearing Gifts? Search Engine Optimization Wisdom
By Virginia Nussey
A bottle of Windex at SMX East symbolized Google's coming transparency. But is it for the benefit of the ... Google's rep was Tiffany Oberoi and she sat at the front of the room next to reps for Bing and Blekko. Tiffany had brought with ... that cut through the noise. Even more impressive,Google's stuck to its word ━ whether or not for the better of the search engine optimization industry remains up for debate. That event was a turning point in the way Google addresses the SEO industry.
Bruce Clay Blog
Google: Penguin Update | Search Engine Land
Was your site hit by Google's new Penguin Update that targets spam? Are you not guilty as charged? Google's got a new feedback form for that, as well as a ...
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Even more Top Search ...
For example, a search for [flowers] on Google Canada is counted separately from a search for [flowers] on Nevertheless, with this change 98% of ...

Every serious search engine marketer works toward a common goal; while measuring the flux ...
- Google Search Education - teach your students to search better
Google Search Education is another great educational resource from Google. The site has lesson plans and even live training to help students, and teachers, ...
Promotions and Contests on Google Places | Local Search ...
Google introduced a new rule which deals with the problem of promotions, contests and other giveaways related to gaining more Google reviews for a business.
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