Take a virtual vacation with Google Street View in the Amazon rain forest and ...
Google's latest Street View mapping projects let users take a stroll in the lush Amazon rain forest or the recuperating cities of Thailand, shining a spotlight on both deforestation issues and disaster recovery. Google has documented local roads, ...
Google's latest Street View mapping projects let users take a stroll in the lush Amazon rain forest or the recuperating cities of Thailand, shining a spotlight on both deforestation issues and disaster recovery. Google has documented local roads, ...
By Gregg Keizer Computerworld - Google this month released Chrome from the penalty box and reinstated the browser's PageRank after a 60-day self-imposed sentence over a rule-breaking marketing campaign. At some point during March, Google lifted the ...
How Google 'Handles' SEO: My Beef With Matt Cutts
Search Engine Watch
That is to say, Cutts works diligently to ensure that Google's search results are “good” and he polices efforts by folks who try to (overtly) manipulate Google's results through overly aggressivesearch engine optimization (SEO) tactics.
GEEK TO ME: Google's privacy policy change prompts questions
Odessa American
Google Inc. is a multinational corporation with a portfolio that includes a wide array of products and services that range far beyond their namesake search engine. Google owns and/or operates YouTube, Gmail, Picasa, and dozens of Google-branded ...
Beware bloggers, Google Panda has been unleashed – Computers and internet
News Pakistan
The main purpose of this algorithm is to discourage the malicious webmasters who are running blogs and websites with poor quality content and the networks that are only created for the search engine Google Panda 3.3 was launched in February and since ...
News Pakistan
Who (or what) are today's Mad Men?
Washington Post (blog)
Imagine walking into Don Draper's office and asking him for advice on search engine optimization (SEO) terms. He'd probably lean back, light a cigarette and tell you to come back when you're ready to start talking sense. It got us thinking about who ...
Optumus Analytics Helps to Explain the New Google Page Rank Algorithms Effect ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
In the constant online battle of Google vs. Spam, Google has again drawn into its arsenal to execute yet another update to its search engine results algorithms. This time the update will be the biggest one yet and will effect a large percentage of ...
Santorum's 'Google Problem' Solved
Not only did Santorum stomp Mitt Romney in yesterday's Louisiana primary -- the former senator has, it, seems, overcome his "Google problem." This is according to The Daily Caller, and a cursory investigation suggests it's true.
Sony preparing Chrome OS laptop, Google working on UI overhaul
Ars Technica
By Ryan Paul | Published March 25, 2012 2:30 PM Documents submitted to the FCC reveal that Sony is preparing to launch a VAIO laptop with Google's Chrome OS operating system. The new Chromebook has an 11.6-inch display, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, ...
Alltopics.com Offers All the News on SEO
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Alltopics.com offers readers the best practices for search engine optimization and provides insight into the theories behind the different strategies connected to SEO. Using the information that readers'll find on seo.alltopics.com will help them to ...
Google+ hangouts now allows phone calls with Google voice technology
GMA News
Users of Google's social network Google+ can now make phone calls from their Google+ Hangouts, using the search giant's Google Voice product. Google Voice co-founder Vincent Paquet said the new feature allows free calls to the United States and Canada, ...
Dave Bakke: Can you hide from Google?
The State Journal-Register
They sometimes even ask for your Facebook password. They Google and Bing you. The fact that they do is the basis of a lawsuit recently filed in Sangamon County. Springfieldian Jason Nieman is suing, among others, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp.
Google patents environment-based ads
Khaleej Times
London - Google has been awarded a patent on technology that will serve up targeted advertising based on a smartphone user's environment. The web giant envisages advertising based on the local weather conditions, detected by sensors in a mobile device.
After Apple's Dividend, Who Will Be Next?
With Tim Cook now at the helm, that policy has changed, leaving just two other megacap companies -- those worth more than $100 billion -- that don't pay dividends: Google and Berkshire Hathaway. Those two are both flush with cash: Google holds $45 ...
Young Professional Profile: Matthew Fehrmann
Herald Times Reporter
"What that means is targeting Google, Bing and Yahoo search results so that interested parties that are searching for highly complex injection molded parts find Kaysun Corporation when theysearch on certain terms," Fehrmann said.
Free and easy way to open your own website
If there is one company that does not have to throw alms from the gilded corporate carriage to the unwashed masses of small businesses out there, it is Google. Its very existence is already a potent form of small-business support.

Upcoming Conference about Essentials of Reliable Web Hosting
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
It offers a boxed all-in-one web hosting plan designed for personal and small businesses, including 1 free domain, unlimited hosting websites support, $75 free Google AdWords, premium website builder, 24/7 US customer service, pricing at $3.95/mo after ...
Guardian Open Weekend session: Will the internet be open?
The Guardian
Chaired by deputy editor Ian Katz, the panel included the global head of communications and public policy for Google, Rachel Whetstone, Facebook policy directory Richard Allan and primo internet author Clay Shirky. It began with the panel calmly ...

The Guardian
Yahoo! Appoints Three New Independent Directors to Board
The Internet search-engine company also picked American Express Co. (AXP) Chief Marketing Officer John Hayes and Thomas McInerney, who is leaving as chief financial officer of IAC/InteractiveCorp. (IACI), Yahoo said in a statement today.
The Death of Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
Business 2 Community
(Source: Search Engine Land). Yet while PPC seems to have become a staple of online marketing, there are clear signs that it is dying out as a lone marketing resource. For example, recent research has revealed that just 18% of SMEs using Google Adwords ...

Business 2 Community
Top 3 Questions You Didn't Ask Your Attorney
Here is the dirty little secret on Google searches. Attorneys, like most businesses, who use Internet marketing spend a lot of time and money to be at the top of the list. We hire SEOtechnicians (what is SEO, anyway?), “click ad” campaigns, Facebook ...
Computer literacy for older generation
Red Bluff Daily News
As late arrivals wriggled between others in search of a seat, snippets of conversation floated from the chatty crowd. I don't have any of that Google stuff," one exasperated woman said. "Facebook? What's that?" another asked loudly, to no one in ...
Boost Your Evergreen Content With Keyword Research
Business 2 Community
Knowing what people search for in Google or Bing is an important step in matching their needs with your content. I'm not talking about keyword stuffing (where you just ram the same phrase into your article too many times). Here's an example of keyword ...

Business 2 Community
Questions remain about the profitability of 'social curation' sites
Financial Times
Tumblr, the microblogging site he founded and heads, seeks to emulate that by letting people create streams of short multimedia posts that others can follow and copy. Google's search algorithm introduced a fresh way of filtering online information.

Financial Times
How SOPA Could Actually Benefit File-Sharers
“They blatantly use our logo and our name, they've also managed to game Googlebig time with a shitload of content farm websites to the point that they're placed 2nd in Google's search results, so they must be making a killer.

Researchers develop Bookworm-Arxiv searchable scientific journal database
The Verge
The system, called Bookworm-Arxiv, allows users to search for a handful of keywords, and then returns a graph of the usage of those terms over time, providing insight into the origins and dissemination of certain schools of academic thought.
Calgary-based app maker Poynt looks to India, China for growth
Hamilton Spectator
Poynt, available on a wide variety of Apple, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, Nokia and Research in Motion phones and tablets, is a local search app that uses a device's GPS locator to direct users to nearby businesses, bars, gas stations and ...
How to Use Google and Facebook for Online Dating Safety
Huffington Post
I encourage you to use Google and Facebook, both sites that you're probably accessing daily as your dating buddy or support system. Here are five online dating tips to use, short of paying for a background check. 1. Sign up for a Google Voice phone ...
Google reconsiders Wallet strategy due to slow adoption
Washington Post
March 21 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc. is weighing changes aimed at improving its Google Wallet mobile-payment system following slow adoption and the departure of two key managers, according to people with knowledge of the project.
How to get off Google for good
Get a fresh start with our complete guide to moving your data off Google servers and permanently deleting your Google accounts. March 24, 2012, 7:03 AM — Now that Google has unified its search functions, Gmail, and its other offerings under a single ...
Blekko Works With Lavasoft on Spam-Free Search
New York Times (blog)
Since it began in November 2010, Blekko has tried to position itself as the safest of the three algorithmic search engines on the market, the others being giants — Microsoft's Bing service and that little company called Google. When Google ...
Google awarded patent for weather-based advertisements
Newstrack India
London, Mar 24 (ANI): Search giant Google has been awarded a patent on technology by US authorities that would serve up targeted advertising based on a smartphone user environment, according to a report. Google envisages advertising based on the local ...
Did Rick Santorum Really Fix His 'Google Problem'?
The campaign announced its triumph over a satirical site designed to redefine the candidate's last name during a Friday morning breakfast at Google's Washington, DC office, according to The Daily Caller. For years, searches for “Santorum” on Google and ...
Should I Care About Algorithm Updates From Google
By Adriankhensley
For search engine optimization, understanding the Google algorithm updates is very significant.Google Panda is a change to the Google's algorithm. Panda was first released in February 2011. Main aim of panda updates is to return high ...
Networked Politics
Google Engineer: “Google Is The Biggest Data Collector In The ...
By googleexposed
Google is currently struggling with a brain drain as many of its employees are departing the company to found their own companies and to take advantage of better opportunities at emerging companies. Recently, Google's very first employee, ...
Why “Don't Be Evil” Is Evil, and Why Google Isn't So Bad | PandoDaily
By Farhad Manjoo
In 2000, Paul Buchheit came up with DBE in part to needle Google's search-engine rivals who were then doing pretty scammy things, including routinely mixing less-than-relevant, sponsored links into their results. If Google still defines “evil” as ...
SEO, Google and search algorithms : a quick look under the hood ...
There are reams (or the digital equivalent) of advice about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) available online, but a lot of it relies on popular SEO myths and ...
Google Panda: What's Next?
Many people suffered devastating demotions on the Google search engine, but many people who deserved higher rankings due to their original content and ...
Goog to Kill SEO, Google Overoptimization Penatly Coming Soon ...
Find help for defeating spam pages, building site trust, and beating the Google algorithm. Also read about the best SEO tools to help with Google search.
Generate database of store details from Google/Google Maps ...
2. Allow users to fill out a search form and query google directly (if the store does not already exist in my database). How can I do this? I have searched a lot and ...
LOL! Most Random Google Search Ever
You think it's weird? Well, these google searchers don't carrot all what you think.
How the iPad Could Devastate Google's Fruitful Search Business ...
“Why could Siri be a threat to Google? Siri is not a search technology; however when paired with services such as Wolfram Alpha and Yelp, it can circumvent ...
Are you hardcore Googler? Then you must open Google result in ...
This article will explain you how to set Google to open all the search result in new ... The hardcore Googler is one who searches Google for many results.
4 Ways To Avoid Getting Dropped From Google Search Results ...
Google is constantly trying to improve the way it provides search results. And just because something works this week doesn't mean it will work the next.
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
In the constant online battle of Google vs. Spam, Google has again drawn into its arsenal to execute yet another update to its search engine results algorithms. This time the update will be the biggest one yet and will effect a large percentage of ...
Santorum's 'Google Problem' Solved
Not only did Santorum stomp Mitt Romney in yesterday's Louisiana primary -- the former senator has, it, seems, overcome his "Google problem." This is according to The Daily Caller, and a cursory investigation suggests it's true.
Sony preparing Chrome OS laptop, Google working on UI overhaul
Ars Technica
By Ryan Paul | Published March 25, 2012 2:30 PM Documents submitted to the FCC reveal that Sony is preparing to launch a VAIO laptop with Google's Chrome OS operating system. The new Chromebook has an 11.6-inch display, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, ...
Alltopics.com Offers All the News on SEO
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Alltopics.com offers readers the best practices for search engine optimization and provides insight into the theories behind the different strategies connected to SEO. Using the information that readers'll find on seo.alltopics.com will help them to ...
Google+ hangouts now allows phone calls with Google voice technology
GMA News
Users of Google's social network Google+ can now make phone calls from their Google+ Hangouts, using the search giant's Google Voice product. Google Voice co-founder Vincent Paquet said the new feature allows free calls to the United States and Canada, ...
Dave Bakke: Can you hide from Google?
The State Journal-Register
They sometimes even ask for your Facebook password. They Google and Bing you. The fact that they do is the basis of a lawsuit recently filed in Sangamon County. Springfieldian Jason Nieman is suing, among others, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Corp.
Google patents environment-based ads
Khaleej Times
London - Google has been awarded a patent on technology that will serve up targeted advertising based on a smartphone user's environment. The web giant envisages advertising based on the local weather conditions, detected by sensors in a mobile device.
After Apple's Dividend, Who Will Be Next?
With Tim Cook now at the helm, that policy has changed, leaving just two other megacap companies -- those worth more than $100 billion -- that don't pay dividends: Google and Berkshire Hathaway. Those two are both flush with cash: Google holds $45 ...
Young Professional Profile: Matthew Fehrmann
Herald Times Reporter
"What that means is targeting Google, Bing and Yahoo search results so that interested parties that are searching for highly complex injection molded parts find Kaysun Corporation when theysearch on certain terms," Fehrmann said.
Free and easy way to open your own website
If there is one company that does not have to throw alms from the gilded corporate carriage to the unwashed masses of small businesses out there, it is Google. Its very existence is already a potent form of small-business support.
Upcoming Conference about Essentials of Reliable Web Hosting
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
It offers a boxed all-in-one web hosting plan designed for personal and small businesses, including 1 free domain, unlimited hosting websites support, $75 free Google AdWords, premium website builder, 24/7 US customer service, pricing at $3.95/mo after ...
Guardian Open Weekend session: Will the internet be open?
The Guardian
Chaired by deputy editor Ian Katz, the panel included the global head of communications and public policy for Google, Rachel Whetstone, Facebook policy directory Richard Allan and primo internet author Clay Shirky. It began with the panel calmly ...
The Guardian
Yahoo! Appoints Three New Independent Directors to Board
The Internet search-engine company also picked American Express Co. (AXP) Chief Marketing Officer John Hayes and Thomas McInerney, who is leaving as chief financial officer of IAC/InteractiveCorp. (IACI), Yahoo said in a statement today.
The Death of Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
Business 2 Community
(Source: Search Engine Land). Yet while PPC seems to have become a staple of online marketing, there are clear signs that it is dying out as a lone marketing resource. For example, recent research has revealed that just 18% of SMEs using Google Adwords ...
Business 2 Community
Top 3 Questions You Didn't Ask Your Attorney
Here is the dirty little secret on Google searches. Attorneys, like most businesses, who use Internet marketing spend a lot of time and money to be at the top of the list. We hire SEOtechnicians (what is SEO, anyway?), “click ad” campaigns, Facebook ...
Computer literacy for older generation
Red Bluff Daily News
As late arrivals wriggled between others in search of a seat, snippets of conversation floated from the chatty crowd. I don't have any of that Google stuff," one exasperated woman said. "Facebook? What's that?" another asked loudly, to no one in ...
Boost Your Evergreen Content With Keyword Research
Business 2 Community
Knowing what people search for in Google or Bing is an important step in matching their needs with your content. I'm not talking about keyword stuffing (where you just ram the same phrase into your article too many times). Here's an example of keyword ...
Business 2 Community
Questions remain about the profitability of 'social curation' sites
Financial Times
Tumblr, the microblogging site he founded and heads, seeks to emulate that by letting people create streams of short multimedia posts that others can follow and copy. Google's search algorithm introduced a fresh way of filtering online information.
Financial Times
How SOPA Could Actually Benefit File-Sharers
“They blatantly use our logo and our name, they've also managed to game Googlebig time with a shitload of content farm websites to the point that they're placed 2nd in Google's search results, so they must be making a killer.
Researchers develop Bookworm-Arxiv searchable scientific journal database
The Verge
The system, called Bookworm-Arxiv, allows users to search for a handful of keywords, and then returns a graph of the usage of those terms over time, providing insight into the origins and dissemination of certain schools of academic thought.
Calgary-based app maker Poynt looks to India, China for growth
Hamilton Spectator
Poynt, available on a wide variety of Apple, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, Nokia and Research in Motion phones and tablets, is a local search app that uses a device's GPS locator to direct users to nearby businesses, bars, gas stations and ...
How to Use Google and Facebook for Online Dating Safety
Huffington Post
I encourage you to use Google and Facebook, both sites that you're probably accessing daily as your dating buddy or support system. Here are five online dating tips to use, short of paying for a background check. 1. Sign up for a Google Voice phone ...
Google reconsiders Wallet strategy due to slow adoption
Washington Post
March 21 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc. is weighing changes aimed at improving its Google Wallet mobile-payment system following slow adoption and the departure of two key managers, according to people with knowledge of the project.
How to get off Google for good
Get a fresh start with our complete guide to moving your data off Google servers and permanently deleting your Google accounts. March 24, 2012, 7:03 AM — Now that Google has unified its search functions, Gmail, and its other offerings under a single ...
Blekko Works With Lavasoft on Spam-Free Search
New York Times (blog)
Since it began in November 2010, Blekko has tried to position itself as the safest of the three algorithmic search engines on the market, the others being giants — Microsoft's Bing service and that little company called Google. When Google ...
Google awarded patent for weather-based advertisements
Newstrack India
London, Mar 24 (ANI): Search giant Google has been awarded a patent on technology by US authorities that would serve up targeted advertising based on a smartphone user environment, according to a report. Google envisages advertising based on the local ...
Did Rick Santorum Really Fix His 'Google Problem'?
The campaign announced its triumph over a satirical site designed to redefine the candidate's last name during a Friday morning breakfast at Google's Washington, DC office, according to The Daily Caller. For years, searches for “Santorum” on Google and ...
Asiajin » Tokyo Court Orders Google To Suspend Keyword ...
By Akky Akimoto
According to the plaintiff, when you type of some first letters of the male's full name, Google Search suggests his full name with additional keywords which are reminiscent of criminal acts, none of which, as he claimed, he did commit. Because ...
By Akky Akimoto
According to the plaintiff, when you type of some first letters of the male's full name, Google Search suggests his full name with additional keywords which are reminiscent of criminal acts, none of which, as he claimed, he did commit. Because ...
Should I Care About Algorithm Updates From Google
By Adriankhensley
For search engine optimization, understanding the Google algorithm updates is very significant.Google Panda is a change to the Google's algorithm. Panda was first released in February 2011. Main aim of panda updates is to return high ...
Networked Politics
Google's Newest Algorithm Update - SEO Positive
By Ben Austin
Regular updates could be from simple to complex in the case of Google a complex update may be like the time when Google introduced the panda algorithm where there were drastic changes on how it ranks websites in its search engine ...
SEO Positive
By Ben Austin
Regular updates could be from simple to complex in the case of Google a complex update may be like the time when Google introduced the panda algorithm where there were drastic changes on how it ranks websites in its search engine ...
SEO Positive
Google Engineer: “Google Is The Biggest Data Collector In The ...
By googleexposed
Google is currently struggling with a brain drain as many of its employees are departing the company to found their own companies and to take advantage of better opportunities at emerging companies. Recently, Google's very first employee, ...
Why “Don't Be Evil” Is Evil, and Why Google Isn't So Bad | PandoDaily
By Farhad Manjoo
In 2000, Paul Buchheit came up with DBE in part to needle Google's search-engine rivals who were then doing pretty scammy things, including routinely mixing less-than-relevant, sponsored links into their results. If Google still defines “evil” as ...
SEO, Google and search algorithms : a quick look under the hood ...
There are reams (or the digital equivalent) of advice about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) available online, but a lot of it relies on popular SEO myths and ...
Google Panda: What's Next?
Many people suffered devastating demotions on the Google search engine, but many people who deserved higher rankings due to their original content and ...
Goog to Kill SEO, Google Overoptimization Penatly Coming Soon ...
Find help for defeating spam pages, building site trust, and beating the Google algorithm. Also read about the best SEO tools to help with Google search.
Generate database of store details from Google/Google Maps ...
2. Allow users to fill out a search form and query google directly (if the store does not already exist in my database). How can I do this? I have searched a lot and ...
LOL! Most Random Google Search Ever
You think it's weird? Well, these google searchers don't carrot all what you think.
How the iPad Could Devastate Google's Fruitful Search Business ...
“Why could Siri be a threat to Google? Siri is not a search technology; however when paired with services such as Wolfram Alpha and Yelp, it can circumvent ...
Are you hardcore Googler? Then you must open Google result in ...
This article will explain you how to set Google to open all the search result in new ... The hardcore Googler is one who searches Google for many results.
4 Ways To Avoid Getting Dropped From Google Search Results ...
Google is constantly trying to improve the way it provides search results. And just because something works this week doesn't mean it will work the next.